This project was awarded to Aust Care Environmental Services on the 18th of June 2015. The overall plan for this stage of the work was to revegetate and maintain a specific area that have seen recent earthworks. The earthworks involved the removal and relocation of sediment from a drain.
Work began by ensuring that the area being revegetated was free of weeds and other debris. All woody weeds were left in-situ. Some were moved as they where in the planting zone. Tall grasses and other associated herbaceous weeds on the edge of the revegetation project were brushcut in order to improve the aesthetic appearance of the site.
We then installed 450m2 of recover mat and began planting 500 native tube stock plants. This then followed with a stringent weed and watering maintenance program.
The key to this project was water – and lots of it. Its the key to a good re-vegetation project; too many times we see projects like this being awarded to contractors who don’t allow for a thorough watering program and by the time our clients have realized that the cheapest bidder delivered the cheapest results its all too late; the money has been spent and the client has little to show for it.
With this we congratulate our client in this regard for ensuring this project was well watered and no corners cut. The results speaks for themselves. Well done to our client and to my team – great work yet again.