Aust Care Environmental Services are again proud to help our land development clients obtain Council Approval by performing all the necessary on ground environmental and weed control work in their natural areas. This project is on the Sunshine Coast and included;

They key to this project going so well is;

  1. Trust – the client trusted us to develop a practical, outcome based and cost effective scope of works document for them meaning hours of documentation and irrelevant work actions that don’t contribute towards the end goal where avoided
  2. Experience – our on-ground crew and Team Leaders have many years experience delivering similar projects
  3. Honesty – Aust Care Environmental Services honest and transparent approach to its work enabled our client to get on with their own job knowing our work, our fees and our progress claims are all highly transparent and auditable
  4. Cooperation and timing – Other Contractors in the area who could of negatively impacted on the project completed their works prior to ours and where willing participants in rectifying any issues that they may have left behind quickly and with the minimum of fuss.

We are also on standby to assist you and your clients perform similar. We can assist with on ground practical advice, scope of work development, project costing estimates and risk control; and that’s all before we’ve started doing what we really love – getting stuck in and making your landscape restoration plan a reality.